Leadership has consistently ranked one of the top 5 issues faced by global CEOs in the last 2 decades. But corporate leadership development has never been effectively solved because solutions are always in form of content, classrooms, coaching or away from the direct experience of leader at workplace. In our combined experience of 60 years of working in the field of leadership development, we have spoken to hundreds of CEOs, CHROs and CLOs and seen multiple shades of the same problem. While organizations have access to a wide spectrum of leadership development solutions, yet most of them are not scalable and not sustainable. This creates a vicious cycle - Organizations are compelled to experiment with ineffective content-based solutions that can scale but do not have a direct impact on the outcomes. As a result, leadership development solutions end up looking fuzzy. And effective solutions, being expensive, remain accessible only to a handful.

We created NWORX - a B2B SAAS platform to enable organizations to prepare their business leaders for Leading In The Flow of Work.



Leadership and professional development program embedded into everyday work.